Castillo de Canena’s oil is a category in itself. For its innovation, for its presentation and, undoubtedly, for its quality. We faced the challenge of creating an unknown category in China, that of maximum quality olive oil. Thanks to the company’s worldwide vast experience and teamwork, we are confident that we will succeed.
Castillo de Canena is a family-owned extra virgin olive oil producer with a long tradition dating back to 1780. The company takes its name from the family castle that stands on the hill in the municipality of Canena, in the province of Jaén (Andalusia, Spain).
Castillo de Canena olive oils have won more than 100 national and international awards. A deserved recognition of their excellent quality and flavor. They have some frankly spectacular tasting notes and are already a classic among the great olive oils of the world. Among its most award-winning oils, we can highlight the extraordinary early harvests of, Picual, Royal and Arbequina varieties.